
Pame Psirri

In the neighborhood of Psirri, in the center of Athens, you will find the picturesque tavern “Pame Psirri”, the little brother of “Stou Korre”, offering evenings with live music and food from the Greek cuisine.

Singing: varies

Hours of operation: Wednesday –> 13:30-20:00, Friday –> 19:30-00:00 , Saturday –> 19:30-00:00 , Sunday –> 13:30-20:00

Days of operation: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Prices: according to the menu (minimum consumption: 35€ per person)

Address: 5 Katsikogianni street, Athens, Greece

Booking phone for Greece: 211-8508005 for Cyprus: 22008326

Viber / Whatsapp: +306936733776

Photo credit: Pame Psirri

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