
Konstantinos Argyros is coming back!

The beloved and talented singer, Konstantinos Argyros, returns to Fantasia Live in Athens for a series of live performances throughout the summer.

Fantasia Live opens its doors for a particularly hot summer season with a special series of live performances and welcomes the artist – phenomenon, Konstantinos Argyros! Argyros will appear at Fantasia located on the beach road of Athens every Friday and Saturday for the month of May and June, together with the beloved singer Lena Zevgara.

Official opening: May 17th at 23:00


8 Posidonos avenue, Elliniko, Athens

Booking phone for Greece: 211-8508005 for Cyprus: 22008326

Viber / Whatsapp: +306936733776

For online reservations click here.

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