
Konstantinos Argyros: apotheosis by 4,000 spectators in Bulgaria

Konstantinos Argyros was once again “enchanting” abroad, with his exciting performance at the Concert Hall in Sofia, where he was adored by 4,000 spectators.

The phenomenon artist, with consecutive no1 hits, captivated the audience with his dozens of personal hits, his powerful performances and his unique energy.

Among those who attended the NDK theater on the evening of Thursday May 16th were people from the sphere of politics and business in Bulgaria, as well as celebrities of the country such as Gloria, Fiki, Toni and Emrah Storaro and Tita.

At the moment, Konstantinos Argyros is preparing his new song, which will be released soon by Panik Platinum and appears, every Friday and Saturday, on “Fantasia”. At the same time, he announced the first stops of this year’s summer tour, “Diamond Tour by Coca-Cola”, which will provide unforgettable musical moments throughout Greece and Cyprus.

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