
Josephine: the glamorous presentation of the album “The Good Girls”

In a unique live event full of surprises, attended by a large crowd, Josephine presented her new album,The Good Girls, released by Panik Records a few days ago.

The golden girl of the record industry and one of the most sought-after performers welcomed partners, friends and fans to the biggest amusement park, Allou! Fun Park, in a special event.

Speaking about the album, the second of her career after the platinum “100%“, Josephine, happy and excited, thanked Panik’s CEO George Arsenakos and the company’s team for their support, the songwriters and the world for their unending love and response.

Josephine performed the songs of the album live, “enchanting” the audience with her voice and energy, while she did meet-and-greets with fans, signed CDs and donated collectible t-shirts.

Present at the glamorous event, presented by the famous influencer Alexia Up in the Hype, were artists such as Thodoris Ferris, Nino, Anastasios Ramos, FY, Evangelia, Mente Fuerte, Rack, Oge and Antigoni.

The album “The Good Girls includes 15 songs, including new tracks, such as “Mira” which has already been singled out and can be heard loudly, as well as the already released super hits “Tilefono, “Mperdemata”, “Kima Mou”, “Eisai Mia Thea” and the duet with Petros Iakovidis, “Geia Sou”.

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