
November Premieres

And as we move further and further into the heart of winter, new acts are making their appearance in the nightlife of Athens. Let’s take a look at the big premieres that will shine this week.

YTON the music show Friday, November 17
Get ready for a night full of energy and rhythm with our beloved Nikos Vertis. Music, dancing and unforgettable moments are waiting for you!

For more information and reservations click here.

FANTASIA Friday, November 17
The beloved Nikos Economopoulos brings imagination and emotion in a unique performance. A live show that will stir crowds up!

For more information and reservations click here.

ENASTRON Friday, November 17
An impressive spectacle with Melisses and Sakis Rouvas in a highly energetic and uplifting live show!

For more information and reservations click here.

Don’t miss these unforgettable premieres! Keep the beat and get ready for a week full of music and fun! 🎤🎉

Booking phone for Greece: 211-8508005 for Cyprus: 22008326

Viber / Whatsapp: +306936733776

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